Create an environment for enriching “work in life”



The CTC Group will create an environment in which employees can work to enrich their lives with good health and motivation where they can continue to take on challenges and grow while enjoying change. We also work toward developing next-generation human resources.


The results of fiscal 2019 are as follows.


The CTC Group’s materiality Specific goals and key indicators (KPI) results Coverage
Developing and Cultivating Human Resources Career development interview ratio* (Goal 100%) 100% CTC stand alone
Promoting diversity and workstyle Reforms Improved in diversity and measures for changing ways of working.
  • Implemented LGBT and SOGI initiatives based on review of Basic Policy on Diversity from FY2020
    Decided to apply congratulations and condolences system and job transfer system under which same-sex couples are treated as spouses
<Workstyle reform>
  • Included T-shirt as new work attire option
  • Decided to make teleworking an option for all employees from FY2020
CTC stand alone
Paid leave utilization rate(Goal over 70%, Zero employees taking less than 5 days) Paid leave utilization rate:72.6%
Employees taking less than 5 days:0
CTC stand alone
Help cultivate people who can be a bridge to the next generation Contribution to expanding advanced IT human resources
  • Held a symposium to introduce training for human resources at national, public and private universities which are leading the development of data scientists who will open up the AI era and to discuss with participants.
  • Established ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Future Foundation for the purpose of fostering the next generation of young people on . Provided university scholarships and programming workshops for elementary school students.
CTC Group in Japan
“Children’s Technology Challenge IT workshop class” held. (Goal 12 times) 14 times CTC Group in Japan